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English morphology
Morphology is the study of structure of the word, their relationship to other words in the same language, its components, functions and word formation. When we study morphology of the English Language, we studying the word’s root, prefixes, suffixes, bases, inflections and phonemes. English has a colourful history and has Latin, Greek and Sanskrit roots in many of the modern words we use today. Studying morphology is a good starting point to take language apart and learn strategies in order to increase lexical capacity.
Introduction to Morphology
The notion of “word”
What is a word?
Identifying the pieces of words
Derivational morphology
The derivation vs. inflection
Roots and affixes
​Structure and meaning in words
Inflectional morphology
Inflectional morphology
Lexical semantics
Content meanings vs. grammatical meanings
The Acquisition of Morphology
Learning biases
Overgeneralization and undergeneralization
Morphology and Typology
Traditional morphological taxonomies
The suffixing preference
​Formal and functional explanations
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