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We serve as language consultants to educational institutions, businesses, and corporate departments who require technical knowledge in the field of linguistics. Our clients typically consult us on projects such as curriculum & pedagogy, linguistic rules for IT functions, and publishing, to name a few.


We've listed the core areas of our specialisations below. However, this list is not exhaustive. The studio has the capacity to offer consultations on a wide-range of topics and we're happy to work on non-conventional projects too. Let us know your requirements and we'll be in touch.


Our areas of expertise


Language acquisition is a field that is concerned with how learners acquire linguistic structures of their native languages. When we do consulting in this area, we aim to shed light on how language experience, learning biases and cognitive maturation interact in the course of grammatical development, and  how learners use their knowledge in real-time comprehension and production. To this end, we also investigate linguistic knowledge as well as use of that knowledge through a variety of behavioural tasks and eye-tracking technique, as well as cross-linguistic comparisons.



Our primary interest in phonology is the phonology-morphology interface as characterized by prosodic morphology and lexical phonology, as well as the phonology-syntax interface and theories of phonological change over time.


Majority of our semantics work is applied in pedagogy, training and publishing work.  We mainly do consulting on formal semantics, which analyses the semantics of natural language in terms of mathematical concepts such as set and function. Also of interest, are topics such as the relation between syntax and semantics, the semantics of non-European languages, and the relation between formal and lexical semantics.

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Computational Linguistics

The studio has a full-time linguist who works in the area of computational linguistics. Current areas of interest include grammar engineering, building computational tools for the documentation of languages, and Natural Language Processing in general. We collaborate with companies in the areas of machine translation, and speech recognition.


Phonetics is one of our favourite topics. We are interested in a broad range of theoretical and practical issues in articulatory and acoustic phonetics. We have worked on issues such as speech perception and spoken word processing, gestural timing, and the role of phonetic explanation in phonological theory. Other phonetic research thus far has been in the areas of acoustic and articulatory description of spoken language.

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Our clients consult us on publications and curriculum that is specially written for those who are learning a second language. We are also interested in the cognitive mechanisms underlying the acquisition of second language. We also study whether second language acquisition parallels first in crucial ways, and the extent to which it is by principles of universal grammar.

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