Second / Foreign Language Acquisition
Many learners are motivated to acquire second foreign or languages. There are many advantages to being multilingual. Some are fairly obvious. If you find yourself lost in a foreign country, being able to express yourself clearly could help you experience different cultures. Similarly, if your work requires you to travel, you may find it easier to vault language and cultural barriers. There are other benefits that are not so immediately apparent. Learning another language could improve your all-round cognitive ability. It could help hone your soft skills, and even increase mastery of your first language too.
Scope of Presentation
Domains of Language Acquisition
Acquiring Grammatical structures
word formation
sentence formation
Natural Order of Strategies of Second Language Development
Theories of Second Language Acquisition
Components of Communicative Competence
grammatical competence
sociolinguistic competence
discourse competence
strategic competence
grammatical competence
Language Transfer
Identification of Learner Errors
Error Analysis