Sentence diagramming
Sentence Diagramming is also known as a parse tree. It is a pictorial representation of the grammatical structure of a sentence. Diagramming sentences helps competent language learners to identify the logical connections between different parts of the sentence. It enables learners to vary sentence structure and construct arguments in a cohesive and concise manner.
Areas covered:
Introduction to Sentence Diagramming
Sentence parts:
The Subject (S)
The Predicate (P)
An Adjective (A)
An Article
A Noun Phrase (NP)
A Verb Phrase (VP)
An Indirect Object (IO)
A Direct Object (DO)
An Object Compliment (OC)
A Subject Compliment (SC)
A Preposition
A Prepositional Phrase
10 types of sentence diagrams
Practice 1 – Diagramming sentences in text
Practice 2 – Turning diagrams into sentences.